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Lazy Brown Dog

Animal Communication


             Behavioral Issues     Household Dynamics     ​Better Understanding                                                           

Physical Concerns      Preparing For Change      Aging Pets and Transitions    


   Choosing A Rescue     Spiritual Relationships    Animals In Spirit


New Household Additions     Animal Well-Being & Natural Healing 



Session Options:  
Click on photo to view and book appointment type.

How does it work?

An Animal Communication session may include any or all of the pets in your home.  Even if a session is for a particular one, it is important to consider dynamics of the entire household.  

Lisa can also communicate with a wide variety of species, and her work has included horse barn visits, animal sanctuaries, rescue / shelter facilities, and birds and animals in the wild.

Animal In Transition / 30 Minutes  Remote 

How Does Animal Communication Work?

Animals communicate telepathically; with mental imagery, in their unique voice, and with emotion.
Their true language is the "unspoken voice" ( the non-physical senses),  which is subtle.  They are
talking amongst themselves, and with us, all the time on an "information superhighway,"  yet most
of the time we are too caught up in our own thoughts, activities, and personal agendas to hear them.
Imagine animal communication like the airwaves that transmit news, imagery, and music to our devices.  The animal "transmitter"  is waiting for us to receive its downloads,  and If we are trained
to tune in to their unique frequency or channel, and if there is not too much interference or static on our receiving end,  we can receive the animal's message.  YOU can learn to telepath with animals, too!
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